Balance of Payments,  International Investment Postion (according to BPM6 methodology)

Due to the implementation of the international methodological standards for the compilation of the balance of payments (Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual 6th Edition - BPM6) revised in recent years, from 24 June 2014 the MNB has published data compiled in accordance with the new methodology on this page. In line with its revision policy, in June 2014 the MNB revised and published data compiled on the basis of the new methodology only going back to 2013. Data compiled on the basis of the old methodology up to 2013 are available here. The long time series data, compiled on the basis of the new methodology, were published on 23  September 2014, at the time 2013 annual data were published.

The MNB has also published monthly balance of payments data, in addition to quarterly data, simultaneously with the changeover to the BPM6 methodology (for the first time on 14 July 2014). However, monthly data are only published for the ‘open’ current quarter, i.e. the monthly data are available until the quarterly data are published.

Notes to the first monthly BOP data release

Monthly data of the open quarter (Excluding Special Purpose Entities)

in Forints
in Euros

Quarterly data of the open year

Excluding Special Purpose Entities

Selected Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

The maturity breakdown of Hungary's medium and long-term external debt by sectors

in Euros

Quaterly time series

Excluding Special Purpose Entities

Selected Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Seasonally adjusted data and graphs

in Euros

Including Special Purpose Entities

Selected Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Annual time series ( Annual data are published in the following September of the reference year)

Excluding Special Purpose Entities

Selected Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position items

in Forints
in Euros

Selected debt service indicators

in Euros

The impact of the September 2019 benchmark revision on the 1995-2015 annual time series

The European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) have issued joint recommendations for a harmonized revision policy of macroeconomic statistics (BoP, IIP, financial and non-financial accounts). These recommendations are applicable for both the regular quarterly revisions and the benchmark revisions scheduled in every five years. In case of benchmark revisions, the entire time series are subject of revision to have harmonized macroeconomic time series. The benchmark revisions make possible back casting, data revisions, and methodological changes beyond the periods covered by regular quarterly revisions. 

In the EU, following the 2014 changeover to the revised statistical standards (BPM6, SNA 2008 and ESA 2010), the first benchmark revision was scheduled for September 2019. Within this framework the MNB revised its BoP and IIP statistics back to 1995. The benchmark revision stretching over the regular revision period resulted in a more consistent time series as improvement of existing and development of new estimation methods, integration of  data previously published in financial and non-financial accounts have been undertaken. The possible prevailing inconsistencies remaining despite the intentions, especially in the pre-2008 periods, are mainly due to technical reasons, which will be addressed during the next benchmark revision.

Annual time series

Excluding Special Purpose Entities

in Forints
in Euros

Including Special Purpose Entities

in Forints
in Euros


Excluding Special Purpose Entities

in Forints
in Euros

Including Special Purpose Entities

in Forints
in Euros