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Pénzügyi stabilitás
Pénzügyi fogyasztóvédelem
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László Bokor (2025): A simple indicator for climate-related transition risks of bank lending , Environment and Development Economics.
Albert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Gábor Neszveda et al. (2024): Nonstandard Errors , Journal of Finance.
Johannes Stangl, András Borsos , Christian Diem, Tobias Reisch, Stefan Thurner (2024): Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios , Nature Sustainability.
Christian Diem, András Borsos , Tobias Reisch, János Kertész, Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the loss of economic predictability from aggregating firm-level production networks , PNAS Nexus.
Jianhan Zhang, Chaoyi Chen , Yiguo Sun, Thanasis Stengos (2024): Endogenous Kink Threshold Regression , Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Rocío Román-Collado (2024): Green Innovation and Energy Efficiency: Mo-derating Effect of Institutional Quality Based on the Threshold Model , Environmental and Resource Economics.
Chaoyi Chen & Thanasis Stengos (2024): Threshold Nonlinearities and the Democracy-Growth Nexus , The Econometrics Journal.
Eszter Baranyai, Pál Péter Kolozsi, Gábor Neszveda, Kristóf Lehmann & Ádám Banai (2024): The impact of the green direction in central banking on the general public's trust: Evidence from Hungary , International Review of Financial Analysis.
Katalin Varga & Szendrei Tibor (2024): Non-stationary financial risk factors and macroeconomic vulnerabi-lity for the UK . International Review of Financial Analysis.
Zlata Tabachová, Christian Diem, András Borsos, Csaba Burger , Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the impact of supply chain network contagion on financial stability . Journal of Financial Stability.
Barna Bakó & Gábor Neszveda (2024): An aspirational perspective on the negative risk-return relationship , Finance Research Letters.
Palma Filep-Mosberger, Lorant Kaszab (2024): The endogenous growth and asset prices nexus revisited with closed-form solution . Finance Research Letters.
Boglárka Bianka Kovács, Gábor Neszveda, Eszter Baranyai , Adam Zaremba (2024): ESG unpacked: Environmental, social, and governance pillars and the stock price reaction to the invasion of Ukraine , Eurasian Business Review.
Marton Kovács , Marton A. Varga, Dominik Dianovics, Russell A. Poldrack, Balazs Aczel (2024): Opening the black box of article retractions: exploring the causes and consequences of data management errors , Royal Society Open Science.
Ónozó Lívia Réka , Viktor Arthur Frigyes, & Gyires-Tóth Bálint (2024): Leveraging LLMs for Financial News Analysis and Macroeconomic Indicator Nowcasting . IEEE Access.
Chaoyi Chen , Thanasis Stengos & Jianhan Zhang (2024): Public Debt and Economic Growth: A Panel Kink Regression Latent Group Structures Approach , Econometrics.
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Thanasis Stengos (2024): Bribery, Regulation and Firm Performance: Eviden-ce From a Threshold Model , Empirical Economics.
Csaba Burger & Dariusz Wojcik (2024): The geography of climate change risk analysis at central banks in Europe . GeoJournal.
Lajos Tamás Szabó (2024): The effect of labour tightness on wages at the regional level in Central Europe , Journal for Labour Market Research, 58 (1), 1–23.
Nikolett Vágó, Sándor Winkler, Gábor Hajnal (2024): The impact of automotive industry investments on local property prices – The case of Mercedes-Benz in Kecskemét (Hungary), 2010–2017 , Regional Statistics.
Mohammad Hosseini, Alex O. Holcombe, Marton Kovacs , Hub Zwart, Daniel S. Katz & Kristi Holmes (2024): Group authorship, an excellent opportunity laced with ethical, legal and technical challenges , Accountability in Research.
Eszter Baranyai (2023): The Socio-Economic Status of Neighbourhoods and Access to Early Childhood Education , Child Indicators Research.
Chaoyi Chen , Thanasis Stengos & Yiguo Sun (2023): Endogeneity in semiparametric threshold regression models with two threshold variables , Econometric Reviews.
Andras Fulop & Zalan Kocsis (2023): News indices on country fundamentals , Journal of Banking & Finance.
Marcell P. Granát, Kristóf Lehmann, Olivér Nagy & Gábor Neszveda (2023): Expect the unexpected: did the equity markets anticipate the Russo-Ukrainian war? , Finance Research Letters.
Lorant Kaszab , Ales Marsal & Katrin Rabitsch (2023): Asset pricing with costly and delayed firm entry , Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Bence Mérő, András Borsos, Zsuzsanna Hosszú, Zsolt Oláh & Nikolett Vágó (2023): A high-resolution, data-driven agent-based model of the housing market , Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Gabor Neszveda & Bence Siket (2023): Green ECB speeches matter , Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment.
Barnabas Szaszi, Bence Palfi, Gabor Neszveda , Aikaterini Taka, Peter Szecsi, Christopher Blattman, Julian C. Jamison & Margaret Sheridan (2023): Does alleviating poverty increase cognitive performance?: short- and long-term evidence from a randomized controlled trial , Cortex.
Tibor Szendrei & Katalin Varga (2023): Revisiting Vulnerable Growth in the Euro Area: Identifying the Role of Financial Conditions in the Distribution , Economics Letters.
Ádám Banai , Edina Berlinger & Barbara Dömötör (2022): Adjustable-rate mortgages in the era of global reflation: How to model additional default risk? , Plos One.
Eszter Baranyai & Ádám Banai (2022): Heat projections and mortgage characteristics: evidence from the USA , Climatic Change .
Éva Berde & Áron Drabancz (2022): The propensity to have children in Hungary, with some examples from other European countries , Frontiers in Sociology .
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Thanasis Stengos (2022): Renewable Energy and CO2 Emissions: New Evidence with the Panel Threshold Model , Renewable Energy .
Chaoyi Chen , Nikolay Gospodinov, Alex Maynard & Elena Pesavento (2022): Long-Horizon Stock Valuation and Return Forecasts Based on Demographic Projections , Journal of Empirical Finance.
Christian Diem, András Borsos , Tobias Reisch, János Kertész & Stefan Thurner (2022): Quantifying firm-level economic systemic risk from nation-wide supply networks , Scientific Reports .
László Kökény, Zsófia Kenesei & Gábor Neszveda (2022): Impact of COVID-19 on different business models of European airlines , Current Issues in Tourism.
Mark Antal & Lorant Kaszab (2022): Spillovers from the European Central Bank's asset purchases to countries in Central and Eastern Europe , Economic Modelling.
Gábor Neszveda, Gábor Till, Barnabás Timár & Marcell Varga (2022): Is short-term reversal driven by liquidity provision in emerging markets? Evidence from China , Finance Research Letters.
Veronika Fenyves, Tibor Tarnóczi, Zoltán Bács, Dóra Kerezsi, Péter Bajnai & Mihály Szoboszlai (2022): Financial efficiency analysis of Hungarian agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector , Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic).
Zombor Berezvai, Olivér Hortay & Tamás Szőke (2022): The impact of COVID-19 measures on intraday electricity load curves in the European Union: A panel approach , Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.
Anna Naszodi & Francisco Mendonca (2022): Changing educational homogamy: Shifting preferences or evolving educational distribution? , Journal of Demographic Economics.
Lorant Kaszab , Ales Marsal & Katrin Rabitsch (2022): Asset pricing with free entry and exit of firms , Economics Letters.
Roman Horvath, Lorant Kaszab & Ales Marsal (2022): Interest rate rules and inflation risks in a macro-finance model , Scottish Journal of Political Economy.
Tamás Szőke , Olivér Hortay & Richárd Farkas (2021): Price regulation and supplier margins in the Hungarian electricity markets , Energy Economics.
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt & Ales Marsal (2021): Fiscal policy and the nominal term premium . Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2021).
Ongena, Steven, Schindele Ibolya & Vonnák Dzsamila (2021): In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through? Journal of International Economics 129 (2021), 103435.
Gánics Gergely & Florens Odendahl (2021): Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information, and structural change in the euro area . International Journal of Forecasting (2021) 37(2) (2021), 971-999.
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt & Ales Marsal (2021): Equity premium and monetary policy in a model with limited asset market participation . Economic Modelling 95 (2021), 430-440.
Horváth, Ákos & Lang Péter (2021): Do loan subsidies boost the real activity of small firms? Journal of Banking and Finance 122 (2021), 105988.
Chen, Chaoyi , Pinar, Mehmet & Thanasis Stengos (2021): Determinants of renewable energy consumption: Importance of democratic institutions . Renewable Energy 179 (2021), 75-83.
Kajdi László & Kiss Milán (2021): The impact of policy effects on the Hungarian payments card market . Journal of Banking Regulation (2021).
Emil Verner & Gyöngyösi Győző (2020): Household debt revaluation and the real economy: Evidence from a foreign currency debt crisis . American Economic Review 110(9) (2020), 2667-2702.
Léna Pellandini-Simányi & Banai Ádám (2020): Reluctant financializaton: Financializaton without financialized subjectivities in Hungary and the United States . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (2020).
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt , Ales Marsal, Katrin Rabitsch (2020): Determinants of fiscal multipliers revisited . Journal of Macroeconomics 63 (2020), 103162.
Banai Ádám , Lang Péter , Nagy Gábor & Stancsics Martin (2020): Waste of money or growth opportunity: The casual effect of EU subsidies on Hungarian SMEs . Economic Systems 44(1) (2020), 100742.
Karádi Péter & Reiff Ádám (2019). Menu costs, aggregate fluctuations. and large shocks . American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2019, megjelenés alatt).
Hosszú Zsuzsanna (2018): The Impact of Credit Supply Shocks and a New Financial Conditions Index Based on a FAVAR Approach . Economic Systems.
Telegdy Álmos (2018). Public wage spillovers: The role of individual characteristics and employer wage policies . Labour Economics 55 (2018), 116-129.
Fukker Gábor (2018). Harmonic distances, centralities and systemic stability in heterogeneous interbank networks . Journal of Network Theory in Finance 4(4) (2018), 1-41.
Anand, Kartik, Iman van Lelyveld, Banai Ádám, Soeren Friedrich, Rodney Garratt, Grzeorgz Hałaj, Jose Fique, Ib Hansen, Serafín Martinez Jaramillo, Hwayin Lee, José Lu Molina-Borboa, Stefano Nobili, Srisam Rajan, Dilyara Salakhova, Thiago Christiano Silva, Laura Silvestri, Sergio Rubens Stancato de Souza (2018). The missing links: A global study on uncovering financial network structures from partial data . Journal of Financial Stability 35 (2018), 107-119.
Tóth G. Csaba (2018). Valuable legacy? The effect of inherited fiscal rules . Public Choice (2018), 1-28.
Rots, Eyno (2017). Imperfect information and the house price in a general-equilibrium model . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 83, 215-231.
Temesváry Judit & Banai Ádám (2017). The drivers of foreign bank lending in Central and Eastern Europe: The roles of parent, subsidiary and host market traits . Journal of International Money and Finance 79, 157-173.
Earle, John S., Telegdy Álmos & Antal Gábor (2017). Foreign ownership and wages: Evidence from Hungary, 1986-2008 . Industrial and Labor Relations Review 71(2), 458-491.
Kocsis Zalán & Monostori Zoltán (2016): The role of country-specific fundamentals in sovereign CDS spreads: Eastern European experiences . Emerging Markets Review 27 (2016), 140-168.
Naszódi Anna, Csávás Csaba, Erhart Szilárd & Felcser Dániel (2016). Which aspects of central bank transparency matter? A comprehensive analysis of the effects of transparency on survey forecasts . International Journal of Central Banking 12(4), 147-192.
Kaszab Lóránt (2016). Rule-of-thumb consumers and the labor tax-cut policy at the zero lower bound . International Journal of Central Banking 12(3),353-390.
Brown, David, John S. Earle & Telegdy Álmos (2016). Where does privatization work? Understanding the heterogeneity in estimated firm performance effects . Journal of Corporate Finance 41, 329-362.
Muraközy Balázs & Telegdy Álmos (2016). Political incentives and state subsidy allocation: Evidence from Hungarian municipalities . European Economic Review 89, 324-344.
Telegdy Álmos (2016). Employment adjustment in the global crisis: Differences between domestic, foreign and state-owned enterprises . Economics of Transition 24(4), 683-703.
Harasztosi Péter (2016). Export spillovers in Hungary . Empirical Economics 50(3), 801-830.
Campolmi, Alessia & Ester Faia (2015). Rethinking optimal exchange rate regimes with frictional labor markets . Macroeconomic Dynamics 19(5), 1116-1147.
Abrevaya, Jason, Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2015). Estimating conditional average treatment effects . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 33(4), 485-505.
Kiss Áron & Mosberger Pálma (2015). The elasticity of taxable income by high earners: evidence from Hungary . Empirical Economics 48(2), 883-908.
Norli, Oyvindl, Charlotte Ostergaard & Schindele Ibolya (2015). Liquidity and shareholder activism . Review of Financial Studies 28(2), 486-520.
Donald, Stephen G., Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2014). Inverse probability weighted estimation of local average treatment effects: a higher order MSE expansion . Statistics & Probability Letters 95, 132-138.
Briglevics Tamás & Oz Shy (2014). Why don’t most merchants use price discounts to steer consumer payment choice? Review of Industrial Organization 44 (4), 367–392.
Donald, Stephen G., Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2014). Testing the unconfoundedness assumption via inverse probability weighted estimators of (L)ATT . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32 (3), 395-415.
Campolmi, Alessia , Harald Fadinger & Chiara Forlati (2014): Trade policy: Home market effect versus terms-of-trade externality . Journal of International Economics 93 (2014), 92-107.
Endrész Marianna & Harasztosi Péter (2014). Corporate foreign currency borrowing and investment: The case of Hungary . Emerging Markets Review 21, 265-287.
Kiss Áron & Simonovits Gábor (2014). Identifying the bandwagon effect in two-round elections . Public Choice 160(3-4), 327-344.
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