Decrees in effect

Tool Title
Borrower-based measures (LTV, DSTI)
MNB Decree 32/2014 (IX. 10.) on the regulation of the debt-service-to-income ratio and the loan-to-value ratio (available in Hungarian)
Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB)
MNB Decree 27/2022. (VI.11.) on the Conditions for Establishing a Countercyclical Capital Buffer and on the Countercyclical Capital Buffer Rate (available in Hungarian)
Foreign exchange Funding Adequacy Ratio (FFAR) Decree No. 14/2014 (V. 19.) MNB on the Amendment Regulation of Credit Institutions’ Foreign Currency Position Maturity Match and the Amendment of Decree No. 43/2013 (XII. 29.) MNB on the Reporting Obligations of Money and Credit Market Institutions to the Central Bank Information System with the Primary View of the Performance of the Supervisory Tasks of the National Bank of Hungary (available in Hungarian)
Foreign Exchange Coverage Ratio (FECR) Decree No. 25/2015 (VII. 30.) MNB on the Approximation of Common Currency Mismatches Between Assets and Liabilities of Credit Institutions (available in Hungarian)
Interbank Funding Ratio (IFR) 10/2018. (III. 27.) MNB Decree on the regulation of the use of funds from financial corporations by credit institutions (available in Hungarian)
Mortgage Funding Adequacy Ratio (MFAR) 22/2022. (VI. 11.) MNB Decree on the regulation of maturity consistency between mortgage-based assets and liabilities of credit institutions (available in Hungarian)


Tool Title (available in Hungarian)
Systemic risk buffer (SyRB) Hungarian National Bank H-MAP-I-2/2017. decision on the obligation of CIB Bank Zrt. to form and maintain systemic risk buffer
Systemic risk buffer (SyRB) Hungarian National Bank H-MAP-I-1/2017. decision on the obligation of Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. to form and maintain systemic risk buffer
Systemic risk buffer (SyRB) Hungarian National Bank H-MAP-I-2/2018. decision on the 2018 review of CIB Bank Zrt.'s obligation to form and maintain systemic risk buffer
Systemic risk buffer (SyRB) Hungarian National Bank H-MAP-I-1/2018. decision on the 2018 review of Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.'s obligation to form and maintain systemic risk buffer
Systemic risk buffer (SyRB) Hungarian National Bank H-PRE-I-1/2019. decision on the 2019 review of CIB Bank Zrt.'s obligation to form and maintain systemic risk buffer