Zsuzsanna Hosszú, András Borsos, Bence Mérő & Nikolett Vágó (2025): The optimal choice of scaling in economic agent-based models, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 232(106928), Csaba Burger, Dariusz Wojcik (2024): The geography of climate change risk analysis at central banks in Europe. GeoJournal, 89(213) Csontos, L. M., Szász, K., & Zsigó, M. (2024). Financial Stability Challenges – Report on the "Financial Stability Conference: Turbulent Times" in Budapest. Financial and Economic Review, 23(2), 221–231. Nikolett Vágó, Sándor Winkler, Gábor Hajnal (2024): The impact of automotive industry investments on local property prices – The case of Mercedes-Benz in Kecskemét (Hungary), 2010–2017, Regional Statistics, 14(2), pp. 307-347. Zlata Tabachová, Christian Diem, András Borsos, Csaba Burger, Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the impact of supply chain network contagion on financial stability. Journal of Financial Stability, 75(101336) Katalin Varga & Szendrei Tibor (2024): Non-stationary financial risk factors and macroeconomic vulnerabi-lity for the UK. International Review of Financial Analysis, 97(103866) Johannes Stangl, András Borsos, Christian Diem, Tobias Reisch, Stefan Thurner (2024): Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios, Nature Sustainability, 7, pp. 581–589. Christian Diem, András Borsos, Tobias Reisch, János Kertész, Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the loss of economic predictability from aggregating firm-level production networks, PNAS Nexus. Ádám Banai, Edina Berlinger & Barbara Dömötör (2022): Adjustable-rate mortgages in the era of global reflation: How to model additional default risk?, PLoS ONE 17(3) Tibor Szendrei, Katalin Varga (2023): Revisiting Vulnerable Growth in the Euro Area: Identifying the Role of Financial Conditions in the Distribution, Economics Letters, 223(110990) Ákos, Aczél - Márton N., El-Meouch - Gergely, Lakos - Balázs, Spéder (2023): Household Loan Repayment Difficulties after the Payment Moratorium: Hungarian Experience from the Covid-19 Pandemic. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 22 Issue 1, March 2023, 21–56. Bence Mérő, András Borsos, Zsuzsanna Hosszú, Zsolt Oláh & Nikolett Vágó (2023): A high-resolution, data-driven agent-based model of the housing market, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 155(104738) Christian Diem, András Borsos, Tobias Reisch, János Kertész & Stefan Thurner (2022): Quantifying firm-level economic systemic risk from nation-wide supply networks, Scientific Reports, 12 (7719) Gabriella, Grosz–Evelyn, Herbert–Gábor, Izsák–Katinka, Szász (2021): Issues Relating to the Creation of a Central Database to Support Statistical Property Valuations. Vol. 4., No. 4., pp. 87-119. Steven, Ongena– Ibolya, Schindele– Dzsamila, Vonnák (2021): In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through?. Journal of International Economics, Vol. 129., pp. 1-31. Bálint, Dancsik (2021): Debt cap rules and ethics: balancing between stability and inclusion. Finance & the Common Good, No. 48-49, pp. 130-148. Bálint, Dancsik–Zita, Fellner (2021): Why do households participate in the loan moratorium in Hungary: theoretical and empirical considerations. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 71, S1, pp. 119-140. Ákos, Horváth–Péter, Lang (2021): Do loan subsidies boost the real activity of small firms?. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 122., pp. 1-21. Áron, Drabancz–Gabriella, Grosz–Alexandr, Palicz–Balázs, Varga (2021): Experiences with the Introduction of a Payment Moratorium in Hungary. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 20., No. 1., pp. 5-42. Ádám, Banai–Péter, Lang–Gábor, Nagy–Martin, Stancsics (2020): Waste of money or growth opportunity: The causal effect of EU subsidies on Hungarian SMEs. Economic Systems, Vol. 44., No. 1., pp. 1-17. Tamás, Borkó–Evelyn, Herbert–Barnabás, Székely–Péter, Szomorjai (2020): How Would the Magyar Nemzeti Bank's Liquidity and Funding Requirements Have Influenced the Impact of the 2008 Crisis in Hungary?. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 19., No. 4., pp. 27-59. Bálint, Dancsik–Nedim Márton, El-Meouch (2019): Who Can Refinance? The Possibilities and Limitations of Market-based Refinancing in the Case of Mortgages with a Variable Interest Rate. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 18., No. 2., pp. 5-30. Ádám, Banai–Nikolett, Vágó–Sándor, Winkler (2018): Measuring Heterogeneity of House Price Developments in Hungary, 1990–2016. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 68., No. 3., pp. 377-414. Kartik, Anand–Iman, van Lelyveld–Ádám, Banai et al. (2018): The missing links: A global study on uncovering financial networkstructures from partial data. Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 35., No. 4., pp. 107-119. Zsuzsanna, Hosszú–Bálint, Dancsik (2018): Measuring bank efficiency and market power in the household and corporate credit markets considering credit risks. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 68., No. 2., pp. 175-207. Zsuzsanna, Hosszú (2018): The impact of credit supply shocks and a new Financial Conditions Index based on a FAVAR approach. Economic Systems, Vol. 42., No. 1., pp. 32-44. Ádám, Banai–Nikolett, Vágó–Sándor, Winkler (2018): Measuring heterogeneity of house price developments in Hungary, 1990–2016. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 68., No. 3., pp. 377-414. Ádám, Banai–Judit, Temesváry (2017): The drivers of foreign bank lending in Central and Eastern Europe: The roles of parent, subsidiary and host market traits. Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 79., pp. 157-173. Péter, Asztalos–Gábor, Horváth– Štefan, Krakovský–Tamás, Tóth (2017): Resolving Conflicts in Measuring Banking System Competitiveness - MNB Banking System Competitiveness Index. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 16., No. 3., pp. 5-31. Ádám, Banai–Szilárd, Erhart–Nikolett, Vágó–Péter, Varga (2016): How to set listing criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary?. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 15., No. 3., pp. 79-109. Ádám, Banai–András, Kollarik–András, Szabó Solticzky (2015): Topology of the foreign currency/forint swap market. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 14., No. 2., pp. 128-157. Pál Péter, Kolozsi–Ádám, Banai–Balázs, Vonnák (2015): Phasing out household foreign currency loans: schedule and framework. Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 14., No. 3., pp. 60-87. Katalin, Mérő (2004): Financial Depth and Economic Growth - the Case of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 54., No. 3., pp. 297-321.

MNB Working Papers

WP 2022/7- Bence Mérő-András Borsos- Zsuzsanna Hosszú-Zsolt Oláh-Nikolett Vágó: A High Resolution Agent-based Model of the Hungarian Housing Market WP 2020/6. - András Borsos- Bence Mérő: Shock Propagation in the Banking System with Real Economy Feedback WP 2017/5. – Zsuzsanna Hosszú –Bence Mérő : An agent based Keynesian model with credit cycles and countercyclical capital buffer WP 2017/3. – Péter Lang: A model of bank behaviour for the assessment of the potential balance sheet impact of the NSFR liquidity requirement WP 2016/1. – Zsuzsanna Hosszú: The impact of credit supply shocks and a new FCI based on a FAVAR approach WP 2014/03. – Dániel Felcser–Balázs Vonnák: Carry Trade, Uncovered Interest Parity and Monetary Policy WP 2012/08. – Mariann Endrész–Győző Gyöngyösi–Péter Harasztosi: Currency mismatch and the sub-prime crisis: firm-level stylised facts from Hungary WP 2011/7. – Bálint Tamási – Balázs Világi: Identification of credit supply shocks in a Bayesian SVAR model of the Hungarian Economy WP 2008/2: Marianna Valentinyi-Endrész and Zoltán Vásáry: Macro stress testing with sector specific bankruptcy models WP 2007/1. József Molnár–Márton Nagy–Csilla Horváth: A Structural Empirical Analysis of Retail Banking Competition: the Case of Hungary WP 2006/11. Zoltán Varsányi: Pillar I treatment of concentrations in the banking book - a multifactor approach WP 2006/10. Gergely Kiss–Márton Nagy–Balázs Vonnák: Credit Growth in Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence or Boom? WP 2006/3. Dániel Holló - Márton Nagy: Bank Efficiency in the Enlarged European Union WP2004/11. Marianna Valentinyi-Endrész: Structural breaks and financial risk management WP 2004/10. Ágnes Lublóy: Systemic Risk Implications of the Hungarian Interbank Market WP 2004/9. Csaba Móré - Márton Nagy: Competition in the Hungarian Banking Market WP 2003/12. Csaba Móré - Márton Nagy: Relationship between Market Structure and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence for Central and Eastern Europe WP 2003/10. Katalin Mérő-Marianna Endrész Valentinyi: The Role of Foreign Banks in Five Central and Eastern European Countries, WP 2003/10. Katalin Mérő-Marianna Endrész Valentinyi: The Role of Foreign Banks in Five Central and Eastern European Countries, WP 2001/5. György Szapáry: Banking Sector Reform in Hungary: Lessons Learned, Current Trends and Prospects WP 2001/4. János Vincze: Financial Stability, Monetary Policy and Integration: Policy Choices for Transition Economies WP 2000/6. Zsófia Árvai – János Vincze: FINANCIAL CRISES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES: MODELS AND FACTS


OP 151. Gábor Hajnal-Zsuzsanna Hosszú-Ákos Attila Ozoróczy-Bálint Dancsik: Estimating Deposit Interest Rate Pass-Through in Central and Eastern European Countries Using Wavelet Transform and Error Cor OP 142. Zsuzsanna Hosszú-Gergely Lakos: Early Warning Performance of Univariate Credit-to-GDP Gaps OP 138. Barnabás Székely: Funding for Lending Schemes Should Prioritize Sme Lending OP 127. Ádám Banai–Nikolett Vágó–Sándor Winkler: The MNB’s house price index methodology OP 123. Ádám Banai–Gyöngyi Körmendi–Péter Lang–Nikolett Vágó: Modelling the credit risk of the Hungarian SME sector OP 118. Zsuzsanna Hosszú-Gyöngyi Körmendi-Bence Mérő: Univariate and multivariate filters to measure the credit gap Op Special Issue: Bálint Dancsik–Gergely Fábián–Zita Fellner–Gábor Horváth–Péter Lang–Gábor Nagy–Zsolt Oláh–Sándor Winkler: Comprehensive analysis of the nonperforming household mortgage portfolio usi OP 109. Ádám Banai–Zsuzsanna Hosszú–Gyöngyi Körmendi–Sándor Sóvágó–Róbert Szegedi: Stress testing at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank OP 106. Péter Fáykiss–Gabriella Grosz–Gábor Szigel: Transforming subsidiaries into branches – Should we be worrying about it? OP 105. Dániel Holló: A system-wide financial stress indicator for the Hungarian financial system OP 94. Sándor Sóvágó: Identifying supply and demand in the Hungarian corporate loan market OP 90. Judit Páles–Zsolt Kuti–Csaba Csávás: The role of currency swaps in the domestic banking system and the functioning the swap market during the crisis OP 87. Attila Csajbók-András Hudecz-Bálint Tamási: Foreign currency borrowing of households in new EU member states OP 80. Katalin Bodnár: Exchange rate exposure of Hungarian enterprises – results of a survey OP 76. Júlia Király-Márton Nagy-Viktor E. Szabó: Contagion and the beginning of the crisis - pre-Lehman period OP 70. Dániel Holló–Mónika Papp: Assessing household credit risk: evidence from a household survey OP 67. Balázs Zsámboki: Basel II and financial stability: An investigation of sensitivity and cyclicality of capital requirements based on QIS 5 OP 57. Ágnes Lublóy: Topology of the Hungarian large-value transfer system


2014/7. Ádám Banai–Zsuzsanna Hosszú–Gyöngyi Körmendi–Bence Mérő: Impact of base rate cuts on bank profitability 2013/10. Dániel Homolya–Melinda Lakatos–Róbert Mátrai–Judit Páles–György Pulai: Limit setting practices of banks in Hungary: Focus on counterparty limits 2013/10. Special Issue Zsuzsanna Hosszú–Gyöngyi Körmendi–Bálint Tamási–Balázs Világi: Impact of the credit supply on the Hungarian economy 2013/10. Special Issue Péter Fáykiss–Anikó Szombati: Macroprudential supervision in non-euro area European countries 2013/10. Special ISsue Tamás Balás: Households: indebtedness and debt service ratio 2012/10. Dániel Holló: Identifying imbalances in the Hungarian banking system (‘early warning’ system) 2012/6. Gergely Fábián–Róbert Mátrai: Unconventional central bank instruments in Hungary 2012/2. Gábor Szigel–Péter Fáykiss: The effect of indebtedness on the financial and income position of Hungarian households 2010/10. Ákos Aczél–Dániel Homolya: Risks of the indebtedness of the local government sector from the point of view of financial stability 2010/10. Judit Páles–Dániel Homolya: Developments in the costs of external funds of the Hungarian banking sector 2011/6. Dániel Homolya: Operational risk and its relationship with institution size in the Hungarian banking sector 2010/12. Anikó Szombati: Systemic level impacts of Basel III. on Hungary and Europe 2010/10. Tamás Balás–Márton Nagy: Conversion of foreign currency loans into forints 2010/10. Gergely Fábián–András Hudecz–Gábor Szigel: Decline in corporate lending in Hungary and across the Central and East European region during the crisis 2010/6. Dániel Felcser–Gyöngyi Körmendi: International experiences of banking crises: management tools and macroeconomic consequences 2009/12. Gábor Gyura–Anikó Szombati: Systemic risk in focus - New directions of financial supervision at home and abroad 2009/10. Dániel Holló: Risk developments on the retail mortgage loan market 2009/5. Ákos Bakonyi–Dániel Homolya: Backtesting the efficiency of MNB’s Lending Survey 2009/5. István Mák–Judit Páles: The role of the FX swap market in the Hungarian financial system 2008/12. Éva Fischer: Challenges of financial integration in the Central and East European region 2008/9. Dániel Homolya–Gábor Szigel: Lending to local governments: Risks and behaviour of Hungarian banks 2008/4. Márton Nagy–Viktor E. Szabó: The Sub-prime Crisis and its Impact on the Hungarian Banking Sector 2008/4. Judit Páles–Lóránt Varga: Trends in the liquidity of Hungarian financial markets - What does the MNB’s new liquidity index show? 2007/11. Dániel Holló: Household indebtedness and financial stability: Reasons to be afraid? 2007/11. Lívia Sánta: The role of central banks in crisis management - how do financial crisis simulation exercises help? 2007/11. Balázs Zsámboki: Impacts of financial regulation on the cyclicality of banks’ capital requirements and on financial stability 2007/6. Tamás Balás–Csaba Móré: How resilient are Hungarian banks to liquidity shocks? 2006/12. Dr. Valéria Széplaki: Reform of the Hungarian corporate insolvency regulation and its financial stability aspects 2006/6. Katalin Bodnár: Survey evidence on the exchange rate exposure of Hungarian SMEs 2006/6. Dániel Holló–Márton Nagy: Analysis of banking system efficiency in the European Union

Other publications

Varga, K., Zsigó, M., et al. (2024) Improvements to the ESRB macroprudential stance framework

Tamás Borkó – László Máté Csontos – János Szakács – Balázs Varga*: Covered bonds as instruments for developing capital markets and supporting financial stability: the Hungarian experience a Keeping the momentum: how finance can continue to support growth in EMEs, BIS Paper No 148

Eszter, Balogh et al. (2021): Credit constrained firms and government subsidies: evidence from a European Union program. BIS Working Paper, No. 984.

Ádám, Banai (2018): The effect of house prices on bank risk: empirical evidence from Hungary (2018). National Bank of Poland Working Paper 289, Poland.

Ádám, Banai–Gábor, Horváth–Balázs, Vonnák (2016): The role of financial intermediation in growth. In: Dániel, Palotai–Barnabás, Virág (ed.): Competitiveness and growth: the road to sustainable economic convergence. Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Budapest.

Zoltan, Varsányi (2007): Rating philosophies: some clarifications. MPRA Paper, No. 1660, University Library of Munich, Germany. 

Zoltan, Varsanyi (2007): Reconsidering the logit: the risk of individual names. MPRA Paper, No. 3658, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Dániel, Holló–Márton, Nagy (2006): Bank Efficiency in the Enlarged European Union. In: The banking system in emerging economies: how much progress has been made? BIS Papers, No. 28.

András, Bethlendi–Gergely, Kiss (2004): Housing Finance in Hungary, Part II and Chapter 2. in Housing Finance Markets in Transition Economies, Trends and challenges. OECD Publishing.

Júlia, Király–Katalin, Mérő (2004): Basel Scepticism- From a Hungarian Perspective. In: The New Basel Capital Accord, Benton, E. Gup (ed.), Greenwood Publishing Group.

Katalin, Mérő–Szabolcs, Vígh-Mikle (2003): The Financial Market in Hungary. In: Bancni Vestnik Special Issue, Financial Markets and Non-Banking Intermediaries in Transition Countries. Vol. 52., No. 7-8., pp. 51-59.