Gergely GABLER
Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary)

Gergely Gabler, CFA is director of Prudential Modelling and IT Supervision Directorate at the Central Bank of Hungary that covers various fields of financial institution supervision such as business model analysis, risk model validation, ICAAP review and audit of IT security and functionality. As a director he is also responsible for representing the Central Bank of Hungary in different international organizations (e.g. EBA, ECB, BCBS). Earlier, Mr. Gabler was the Chief Economist of Erste Bank Hungary, following a period of being an Equity Research Analyst at the bank. Gergely has an MSc. of financial mathematics from the Corvinus University of Budapest, he also did his studies at HEC Liege, Belgium and he has completed the Chartered Financial Analyst program of the CFA Institute.
Corvinus University Budapest MNB Department
Kristóf Lehmann is the Head of the Monetary Strategy Department of Magyar Nemzeti Bank. He earned his MSc at Corvinus University of Budapest in economics where he continued to pursue his doctoral studies as well. He earned his Ph.D. in international relations in 2014. After three years of commercial banking experience, Mr. Lehmann was the sole recipient of a doctoral exchange scholarship that allowed him to spend a year as a research fellow at Waseda University, Tokyo in 2010. Since he started working at MNB in 2011, he has been a two-time recipient of the Governor’s Award and once the prestigious For the Hungarian Central Bank Award. Mr. Lehmann is passionate about teaching; as such, he has been a senior lecturer at Corvinus University since his graduation in 2005.

Corvinus University Budapest GEO Institute

Géza Salamin with his geographer-economist background has 17 years experience in regional and economic development policy and planning in Hungary and also at EU level. As researcher and planner, later head of unit of the Hungarian regional development and planning agency and later as head of Territorial development planning department of the Ministry for National Economy he played essential role in planning preparation of national spatial development concepts and several crossborder cooperation programmes, and also in coordination of the regional development programmes of the Hungarian regions. He coordinated the European territorial development strategic document, the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020 under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of The European Union. He is currently master lecturer of CUB and the member of the European Council of Spatial Planner delegated by the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning (MUT).
Budapest Institute of Banking (BIB)
Ádám Banai received his MSc in Financial Investment Analysis and Risk Management from the Corvinus University of Budapest. He also earned his doctoral degree from the Business and Management Doctoral School at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He started his career as an analyst in the financial stability area at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. After several promotions he was made Head of the Applied Research and Stress Testing Department in 2013. From 2017, he has been the director of Directorate Financial System Analysis. He examines the analyses assessing risks in the banking system, policy decisions concerning the banking system, research promoting regulation in the area of the domestic and regional banking system. In addition to macroeconomic and economic policy issues, his main research areas include stress testing, the analysis of funding liquidity risks, credit risks and systemic risks. He published numerous studies in the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of International Money and Finance, and the Acta Oeconomica, as well as in the Financial and Economic Review.

Pallas Athéné Innovation and Geopolitical Foundation (PAIGEO)

Norbert Csizmadia studied at the University of Szeged and the University of Pécs, and graduated as a geographer. Between 2000-2002 he worked in the Ministry of Economic Affairs as the secretary of the Regional Economic Development Deputy State Secretary. He participated in the New Széchenyi Plan and coordinated the preparation of many long-term economic development plans. Since 2004 he is a regional policy expert as a part of the European Commission’s initiative, Team Europe. In the fall of 2005 he became a secretary of the Hungarian Economic Consultation. As city developer, geography took a part in “The Heart of Budapest” city-development programme. In 2009 he became the coordinator and a coauthor of the Hungarian Vision 2025 strategy paper. His career in the Ministry for the National Economy since June of 2010he is the head of the Strategy Cabinet, since the year 2011 he is a Deputy State Secretary for Economic Planning, between 2012-2013 he was a State Secretary for Economic Planning; developer of the New Széchenyi Plan. From 2013 to 2016, he is the Executive Director of Economic Strategy and Planning in the Central Bank of Hungary. He is President, Board of Directors of Pallas Athéné Innovation and Geopolitical Foundation.