Procedures and Conditions for Bidding for the MNB's Euro Liquidity Providing EUR/HUF FX Swaps with 2-week Maturity (22 December 2014)
Procedures and conditions for Bidding for the MNB's Euro Liquidity Providing EUR/HUF FX Swaps with 2-week Maturity (19 December 2013)
Procedures and conditions for Bidding for the MNB's Euro Liquidity Providing EUR/HUF FX Swaps with 1-week Maturity (3 January 2013)
Procedures and conditions for Bidding for the MNB's Euro Liquidity Providing EUR/HUF FX Swaps with 2-week Maturity (20 December 2012)
Procedures and conditions for bidding for the MNB’s euro liquidity providing FX swaps with 1-week maturity (27 December 2011)
Terms and conditions of participation in the MNB’s EUR/HUF FX swap and CIRS tenders linked to Pillar 3 of the Funding for Growth Scheme (effective until 29 August 2013)
Terms and conditions for the MNB’s euro liquidity-providing six-month EUR/HUF FX swap tenders (effective from: 11 May 2009, discontinued from 30 June 2010)
The MNB’s Swiss franc liquidity-providing one-week, fixed price FX swap tenders (28 January 2009-25 January 2010)