5 October 2018

The Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Fudan University of Shanghai and Corvinus University of Budapest have concluded a trilateral partnership agreement on a Fudan-Corvinus MBA double degree university course developed with the MNB’s professional support. The course will be launched as the first Chinese academic programme in the region in Budapest in February 2019. The agreement was signed at the Pre-Forum Session of Shanghai Forum 2019 conference, which was organised as a joint effort by the MNB, Fudan University of Shanghai and Pallas Athena Domus Sapientiae Foundation at Bölcs Castle, the new headquarters of the MNB’s foundations.

The event was opened by György Matolcsy, Governor the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. He presented the ground-breaking Fudan-Corvinus MBA double degree programme developed with the MNB’s professional support. The programme aims to provide a compass amidst the globalisation of East and West with the assistance of internationally renowned Chinese and European professors. The Governor’s address was followed by welcome speeches delivered by Levente Magyar, State Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, His Excellency Duan Jielong, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Budapest, Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, State Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Human Capacities, László György, State Secretary for Economic Planning and Regulation at the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Chen Zhimin, Vice President of Fudan University, and András Lánczi, Rector of Corvinus University of Budapest.

The opening ceremony was followed by a panel discussion, co-chaired by Chief Economist of the MNB Dániel Palotai and Dean of the Economics Department of Fudan University Zhang Jun, introducing a specialist conference. During the discussion, lecturers from Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic examined the role of Central and Eastern Europe in the new world order. The participants included Piotr Szpunar, Director of the Economic Analysis Department of the Narodowy Bank Polski, Lucia Husenicová, Director of the Institute of Asian Studies, Bratislava, and Jeremy A. Garlick, Assistant Professor at the University of Economics Prague.

Receiving support from the Ministries of Trade and Education of the People’s Republic of China, Fudan University, jointly with the Municipality of Shanghai and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, a think-tank based in South Korea, has organised the Shanghai Forum in May since 2005. In 2017, Governor György Matolcsy made a keynote address at the event. The MNB and Fudan University as co-organisers each held a panel discussion as part of the official programme of the event.