27 October 2022

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published the European Supervisory Examination Programme (ESEP) for 2023, which identifies key topics for supervisory attention across the European Union (EU). The ESEP is part of an annual cycle and contributes to enhancing supervisory convergence in the EU by providing common directions and focus areas for supervisors, which helps them shape their prudential supervisory priorities and respective practices.

The selection of the key topics for supervisory attention for 2023 is based on the EBA`s EU-wide risk analysis, the EBA`s relevant policy work and the practical experience of Competent Authorities. The key topics include:

  • Macroeconomic and geopolitical risks;
  • Operational and financial resilience;
  • Transition risks towards sustainability and digitalisation;
  • Money-laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks in the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP) and internal controls/governance.

The EBA will follow up on how the key topics, put forward by the ESEP, are embedded in competent authorities’ priorities for 2023 as well as how they form part of their supervisory activities throughout the year. The topics identified in the ESEP are also relevant for the work of supervisory colleges as converging practices and methodologies are crucial in the context of cross-border banking groups.