6 June 2023

György Matolcsy welcomed the delegation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank at a business meeting organised by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB). At the high-level presidential meeting, the discussion focused on the significance of Hungary’s policy of opening eastwards, its crucial role in Central and Eastern Europe and the opportunities for partnership.

György Matolcsy received a high-level delegation from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) at a business meeting. On the occasion of the visit, Jin Liqun, President of the AIIB, expressed his pleasure to meet with the Governor of the MNB in person again.

In addition to the Chinese-Hungarian economic relations, the discussion was centred around the global economic and geopolitical outlook, and the advantages of Hungary’s geographical location and the country’s role and opportunities in the CEE region. At the meeting, György Matolcsy noted that China’s One Belt One Road initiative is particularly to be welcomed for the development of Eurasia as well as for Hungary. The Governor of the MNB highlighted that Hungary’s financial system is stable, which promotes the sustainable development of both Hungary and the region by prioritising green sustainability. In György Matolcsy’s view, Hungary plays an essential logistical liaison role in connections between east and west and between north and south; therefore, the region’s infrastructure needs to be continuously upgraded.

During the meeting, the President of the AIIB underlined that Hungary’s sustainable, stable political and economic system puts it in a strong position as an important partner for the Investment Bank. Mr Jin and György Matolcsy agreed that Hungary should take advantage of the country’s renewable energy potential, solar energy in particular, where the AIIB offered its support. Several possible areas of cooperation were also discussed at the meeting. Hungary may benefit from the support offered by the Investment Bank to achieve infrastructural and green sustainability goals.