The 2023 data on the annual financial accounts of public (central and local government owned) corporations have been published, that can be accessed here:
Financial accounts of public corporations (owned by central and local government)
The data just published show, among other things, that both the financial assets and liabilities of public corporations in the non-financial corporation sector decreased slightly compared to 2022. The subsector's total financial assets reached 16.0 percent of GDP at the end of 2023, and its total liabilities reached 23.3 percent of GDP. The net borrowing of public non-financial corporations essentially disappeared in 2023, after the high value of the previous year, reaching only 0.03 percent of GDP.
In addition to the annual financial accounts, quarterly aggregated balance sheets of large corporations are also published regularly for non-financial corporations, covering approximately 90 percent of the subsector's balance sheet total. The time series of the balance sheets is available here: