Holdings of securities issued by Hungarian residents, as presented by the securities statistics, rose by HUF 15,261 billion, or 17 per cent, on a year earlier in 2024. Transactions, and revaluations and other volume changes accounted for 59 per cent and 41 per cent, respectively, of the increase. At 4,680 billion, holdings of investment fund shares saw the largest increase, followed by increases of HUF 4,332 billion and HUF 2,851 billion, respectively, in holdings of securities issued by central government and listed equity securities.

Over the past year, all holding sectors increased their holdings of securities, except the central bank sector. Non-resident holdings of securities rose by HUF 4,572 billion (17 per cent). There was also a significant increase of HUF 4,242 billion (18 per cent) in holdings of securities by the household sector. The value of securities held by financial corporations rose by HUF 3,724 billion (11 per cent), of which the value of securities held by credit institutions saw the largest increase of HUF 2,975 billion (19 per cent) over the past year.

Key developments in December

The shares of one credit institution were admitted to listing on the Budapest Stock Exchange in December, which was recorded in the statistics as HUF 244.6 billion other volume change. One share was delisted, resulting in a HUF 10 billion volume change. The change of ownership in another credit institution led to a significant change in the ownership structure.

The latest press release on securities statistics issued today is available here:

The latest data are available here:

7 February 2025

MNB Statistics Directorate