The Magyar Nemzeti Bank attaches great importance to make central bank analyses on various current economic and financial trends of general interest available to the wider public. The March 2014 issue of the MNB Bulletin discusses the relationship between corporate profitability and labour market adjustment; the factor behind part-time employment; the components of the yield curve; and the effects of the introduction of the transaction fee and intraday clearing. The Bulletin continues its series of interviews. The current issue features an interview with Christopher D. Carroll, professor of Johns Hopkins University.

Bauer, Péter: Corporate profitability and labour market adjustment – findings of a micro data study

Bodnár, Katalin: Part-time employment during the crisis

Carroll, Christopher D.: Interview with Professor Christopher D. Carroll

Horváth, Dániel, Péter Kálmán, Zalán Kocsis and Imre Ligeti: What factors influence the yield curve?

Ilyés, Tamás, Kristóf Takács and Lóránt Varga: Changes in the fees on payment services and the structure of payments following the introduction of the financial transaction tax

Luspay, Miklós and Annamária Madarász: The effects of the introduction of intraday clearing on turnover in Hungarian payment systems

The complete volume can be downloaded here:

MNB Bulletin March 2014