Klaus Adam
University of Mannheim
Klaus Adam received his Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He held assistant professor positions at University of Salerno and Goethe University in Frankfurt before moving to the Research Department of the European Central Bank as Economist. After promotions to Senior Economist and Principal Economist positions, he left the ECB in 2008 to take up a chaired professorship in economics at Mannheim University, Germany.
Klaus Adam is associate editor at various academic journals, including the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and at Macroeconomic Dynamics. Based on his research output, he has been ranked amongst the top 5 economists below the age of 40 within Germany by the Handelsblatt newspaper.
Klaus Adam is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London and at the Centre for Financial Studies (CFS) in Frankfurt. He has worked as consultant for the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), and for the Bank of Japan. He has taught professional courses in a number of occasions, including for the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (EABCN) and the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies.
Recent Publications
- “Optimal Monetary Policy with Imperfect Common Knowledge”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 54(2), 276-301, 2007.
- “Discretionary Monetary Policy and the Zero Lower Bound on Nominal Interest Rates” with Roberto Billi, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 54(3), 728-752, 2007.
- “Experimental Evidence on the Persistence of Output and Inflation”, Economic Journal, Vol 117, 603-636, 2007.
- “Monetary Conservatism and Fiscal Policy”, with Roberto Billi, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 55(8), 1376-1388, 2008.
- “Monetary Policy and Aggregate Volatility”, Journal of Monetary Economics, S1-S18, 2009.
Fabio Canova
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ICREA, CREI, CREMed and CEPR
Fabio Canova got his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Minnesota. He has been assistant professor at Brown University and University of Rochester; associate professor at EUI and Brown University; and full professor at the University of Catania, Modena, Southampton and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is currently an ICREA research professor, and a researcher with the CEPR, and program director with the BSCBS. Has has taught classes in numerous universities around the world an given professional courses at the Bank of England, Sveriges Riksbank, Bank of Italy, Bundesbank, ECB, Bank of Spain, Bank of Portugal, Bank of Hungary, Bank of Argentina, Banco do Brazil, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, South African Reserve Bank, Bank Indonesia, Swiss National Bank, Bank of Israel, at the EABCN, at the Central Bank course in Genzersee, the EU commission, the UK Foreign Office and UK treasury, among others. He has held consultancy positions with the Bank of England, the ECB, the Bank of Italy and the Bank of Spain.
He is a member of the CEPR Dating Business Cycle Committee, of the Applied Macroeconomic Network (AMeN), and of the Scientific Committee of several international conferences. He is program director of the Budapest Center. He has been ranked in the Econometrics and Applied Econometrics Hall of Fame and in the Top 100 most productive economists of the world in several polls over the last 10 years. He is also program director of the Budapest School of Central Bank Studies and member of the scientific committee of the EABCN.
He has held editorial positions with the European Economic Review and the Journal of Applied Econometrics, he is currently coeditor of the Journal of the European Economic Association and has participated in a number of international conferences. He has published over 70 articles in international journals and his graduate textbook, Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research, has been published in 2007 by Princeton University Press.
Selected publications
- “Estimating Multi-country VAR Models,” (with M. Ciccarelli), International Economic Review, 2009, 50(3), 929-961.
- “Back to Square One: Identification Issues in DSGE Models,” (with L. Sala), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009, 56(4), 431-449.
- “What Explains the Great Moderation in the U.S?: A Structural Analysis,” Journal of the European Economic Association, 2009, 7(4), 1-25.
- “The Structural Dynamics of U.S. Output and Inflation: What Explains the Changes?” (with L. Gambetti and E. Pappa), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2008, 40(2-3), 369-388.
- Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research, Princeton University Press, 2007.
- “Similarities and Convergence of G-7 Cycles,” (with M. Ciccarelli and E. Ortega), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2007, 54(3), 850-878.
- “Price Differentials in Monetary Unions: The Role of Fiscal Shocks,” (with E. Pappa), Economic Journal, 2007, 117(520), 713-737.
Tommaso Monacelli
Universita Bocconi, IGIER, and CEPR
Tommaso Monacelli is Tenured Associate Professor of Economics at Universita Bocconi, Milan, and Research Fellow at IGIER. He holds a Ph.D. from New York University (1999), has been Assistant Professor at Boston College (1999-2002) and at Igier-Bocconi (2002-2005). He is Research Fellow of CEPR and Associate Editor of the Journal of Money Credit and Banking. He has been research consultant for the ECB and the OECD, Visiting Scholar at IMF, ECB and Riksbank, and Visiting Professor at CEU. He has taught courses in central banks such as the Central Bank of Brasil, the Central Bank of Austria, and the Norges Central Bank. He has also been instructor in the EABCN Training School program. His research interests range from open economy macroeconomics to monetary economics and fiscal policy.
Recent Publications
- New Keynesian Models, Durable Goods, and Collateral Constraints, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 56:2, March 2009.
- The International Dimension of Inflation: Evidence from Disaggregated Data (with Luca Sala), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2009).
- Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Currency Union (2008) (with Jordi Gali), Journal of International Economics, December 76 (2008), 116-132.
- Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy (with J. Gali), Review of Economic Studies, Volume 72, Number 3 (2005).
- Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Home Bias, (with E. Faia), Journal of Money Credit and Banking Vol 40, No 4 (June 2008)
Adrian Pagan
University of Technology, Sydney
Adrian Pagan is Professor of Economics in the School of Economics and Finance at the University of Technology, Sydney and Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He has held professorial appointments at the Australian National University, the University of Rochester, the University of New South Wales and Oxford University. Visiting Professorships have been to UCLA, Yale and Johns Hopkins Universities. He is the author of three books and over 130 articles and has been elected to Fellowships of the Econometric Society, the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and the Journal of Econometrics. A number of medals have been awarded: the Australian Centennial Medal, the Socio-Economic Systems Medal of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, the Distinguished Fellow medal of the Economic Society of Australia. He was a member of the Reserve Bank of Australia Board from 1995-2000 and has consulted with a number of central banks on modelling issues.
He has been an Editor of Econometric Theory and the Journal of Applied Econometrics and an associate editor of Econometrica. He has been a Co-Editor of the series Advanced Texts in Econometrics, (Oxford University Press) and Themes in Modern Econometrics ( Cambridge University Press).
He has given many short courses in the area of macro-econometrics.
Recent publications:
- D. Harding and A.R. Pagan (2002), “Dissecting the Cycle: A Methodological Investigation” (with D. Harding), Journal of Monetary Economics, 49, 365-381.
- A.R. Pagan and Kirill Sossounov (2003) , “A Simple Framework for Analysing Bull and Bear Markets”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18, 23-46.
- D. Harding and A. R. Pagan (2006), “Synchronization of Cycles”, Journal of Econometrics, 132, 59-79
- D. Harding and A.R. Pagan "Business Cycle Measurement." in S.N. Durlauf and L.E. Blume (eds) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2nd Edition), Palgrave Macmillan
- D. Harding and A.R. Pagan, (2011) “An Econometric Analysis of Some Models of Constructed Binary Random Variables”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, (available at http://pubs.amstat.org/toc/jbes/0/0)
Pagan and T. Robinson (2010) “Exploring the Linkages Between Financial Stress and Business Cycles” at the 4th Oslo Workshop on Economic Policy: Empirical Business Cycle Modelling and Policy in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis, Norwegian School of Management