Gianluca Benigno
Gianluca Benigno got his Ph. D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 2000. He has been an economist at the Bank of England, assistant professor (lecturer) at the London School of Economics, senior economist at the New York FED, and associate professor (reader) at LSE. He has also been a visiting scholar at numerous universities and policy institutions, including Banque de France, IADB, Bank of England and the IMF. His main research area is International Macroeconomics, covering topics like exchange rates, price stability, inflation targeting, capital flows, credit constraints and financial crises. He has been the principal investigator in ESRC grants on The Macroeconomics of Capital Account Liberalization and Designing Monetary Policy for Developing and Developed Countries. His research has appeared in major international journals such as the Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics and the Economic Journal.
Fabio Canova
Fabio Canova got his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Minnesota. He has been assistant professor at Brown University and University of Rochester; associate professor at EUI and Brown University; and full professor at the University of Catania, Modena, Southampton at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He has held a Chair in Monetary Economics at the University of Bern, and he is currently a ICREA research professor, an associate researcher with CREI, CREMed and €Prism and a researcher with the CEPR.
He has taught classes in numerous universities around the world an given professional courses at the Bank of England, Riksbank, Bank of Italy, Bundesbank, ECB, Bank of Canada, Bank of Spain, Bank of Portugal, Bank of Hungary, Bank of Argentina, Banco do Brazil, Banco de Peru, South African Central Bank, Central Bank of Indonesia, Swiss National Bank, Banco de Mexico, Banco de La Republica de Colombia, Bank of Israel, Banco de Venezuela, the EABCN, the Central Bank course in Genzersee, the EU commission, the IMF, the UK Foreign Office and UK treasury, among others. He has held consultancy positions with the Bank of England, the ECB, the Bank of Italy, Banco de Venezuela and the Bank of Spain and the IMF.
He is a member of the CEPR Dating Business Cycle Committee, of the Applied Macroeconomic Network (AMeN), and of the Scientific Committee of several international conferences. He has been ranked in the Econometrics and Applied Econometrics Hall of Fame and in the Top 100 most productive economists. He is also program director of the Budapest School of Central Bank Studies and member of the scientific committee of the EABCN and ESOBE.
He has held editorial positions with the European Economic Review and the Journal of Applied Econometrics, he is currently coeditor of the Journal of the European Economic Association and has participated in a number of international conferences. He has published over 70 articles in international journals and his graduate textbook, Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research, has been published in 2007 by Princeton University Press.
Adrian R. Pagan
Adrian Pagan is Professor of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Sydney and Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He has held professorial appointments at the Australian National University, the University of Rochester, the University of New South Wales and Oxford University. Visiting Professorships have been to UCLA, Yale and Johns Hopkins Universities. He is the author of three books and over 130 articles and has been elected to Fellowships of the Econometric Society, the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and the Journal of Econometrics. A number of medals have been awarded: the Australian Centennial Medal, the Socio-Economic Systems Medal of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, the Distinguished Fellow medal of the Economic Society of Australia. He was a member of the Reserve Bank of Australia Board from 1995-2000 and has consulted with a number of central banks on modelling issues.
He has been an Editor of Econometric Theory and the Journal of Applied Econometrics and an associate editor of Econometrica. He has been a Co-Editor of the series Advanced Texts in Econometrics, (Oxford University Press) and Themes in Modern Econometrics ( Cambridge University Press).
He has given many short courses in the area of macro-econometrics.
Evi Pappa
Joins the European University Institute in September 2011 from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, where she is Associate Professor, and also Research Professor of Barcelona GSE. After graduating from UPF, she was an assistant professor of economics at the LSE, 2001-2006, Bocconi University (Milan), 2004-2005, and UAB, 2005-2006. Her main research interests are International Macroeconomics and Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Given Evi’s interest in monetary policy analysis, she has been a visiting researcher in many Central Banks, like the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Riksbank (Sweden). She is a member of the Applied Macroeconomics Network (Amen), is a MOVE (Markets Organizations and Voting in Economics) Research Fellow and a Research Affiliate with Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). She has received the IGIER Scholarship for Young Researchers in 2003-2004, and the Paolo Baffi Fellowship in 2008 and the Ramon Areces scholarship in 2010. Sha has published in international journals such as Journal of Monetary Economics, International Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics and Economic Policy.
Harald Uhlig
Harald Uhlig, born 1961, is Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago since 2007 and chairman of that department since July 2009, after having taught at Princeton, Tilburg University and the Humboldt Universität Berlin. His research interests are in macroeconomics, financial markets and Bayesian econometrics, and in particular at the intersection of these three. He has published a number of articles, e.g. on estimating the effects of monetary policy shocks as well as fiscal policy shocks using an agnostic sign restriction approach, on competitive risk sharing contracts with one-sided commitment, on the implications of habit formation for taxation as well as asset pricing and macroeconomic dynamics, on Bayesian vector-autoregressions with stochastic volatility, on the relationship between rules of thumb versus dynamic programming, the role of network externalities for regional labor markets and on the slow decline in East Germany.
He has served co-editor of Econometrica from 2006 to 2010. He is a consultant of the Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He is the current chairman of the CEPR business cycle dating committee. He was the founding director (``Sprecher’’) of the collaborative research center SFB 649 on “economic risk” in Berlin. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society. He is a research fellow of the CEPR and a research associate of the NBER. In 2003, he received the Gossen Preis of the German “Verein für Socialpolitik”. He was a participant of the Review-of-Economic-Studies “May Meetings” tour in 1990, was recipient of an Alred P. Sloan Dissertation Fellowship and a member of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. He obtained his PhD in economics from the University of Minnesota in 1990, under the supervision of C.A. Sims.