The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the central bank of Hungary) is soliciting applications for its 2025 PhD cooperation program for researchers with a recently obtained PhD-degree, advanced PhD-students, and ESCB researchers.

MNB welcomes detailed research proposals that provide a strong foundation for collaboration with its researchers and analysts. During their stay, participants will have the opportunity to conduct research on a specific topic, ideally aligned with MNB’s current focus areas or related to monetary policy. This collaboration also enables participants to engage with MNB staff economists, fostering valuable exchanges of ideas.

Proposed projects, whether theoretical or empirical, should be of interest to MNB’s ongoing work. Preference is given to topics that hold potential for joint research and publication. Research papers resulting from the program are encouraged for submission to the MNB Working Paper series, and MNB also supports participants in submitting their work to refereed academic journals.

Successful academic applicants will receive a compensation package during their time at MNB, while ESCB researchers (under the existing exchange arrangement) are expected to be financed by their home institutions.

The typical tenure is 2-3 months.


The application material, either in English or in Hungarian, should contain the following elements:

  1. Curriculum vitae with photo
  2. 1-2 page proposal, which describes the chosen topic, including motivation and previous work in the area as well as outlining the hypotheses.  For empirical projects, the proposal should also describe the data and its sources, outline the empirical strategy, and explain the proposed identification scheme. Additionally, it should address any potential endogeneity issues and suggest possible methods for their resolution.
  3. 1 recommendation letter (optional)

We accept applications throughout the year. Decision notifications will be sent within 2 months after the receipt of the application package. Acceptance might depend on the availability of funds.

Applications should be emailed to (with PhD Cooperation Program 2025 in the subject line).