Financial Stability
Banknotes and coins
Aktuális oldal:
Publications in international journals
László Bokor (2025): A simple indicator for climate-related transition risks of bank lending , Environment and Development Economics.
Albert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Gábor Neszveda et al. (2024): Nonstandard Errors , Journal of Finance.
Johannes Stangl, András Borsos , Christian Diem, Tobias Reisch, Stefan Thurner (2024): Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios , Nature Sustainability.
Christian Diem, András Borsos , Tobias Reisch, János Kertész, Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the loss of economic predictability from aggregating firm-level production networks , PNAS Nexus.
Jianhan Zhang, Chaoyi Chen , Yiguo Sun, Thanasis Stengos (2024): Endogenous Kink Threshold Regression , Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Rocío Román-Collado (2024): Green Innovation and Energy Efficiency: Mo-derating Effect of Institutional Quality Based on the Threshold Model , Environmental and Resource Economics.
Chaoyi Chen & Thanasis Stengos (2024): Threshold Nonlinearities and the Democracy-Growth Nexus , The Econometrics Journal.
Eszter Baranyai, Pál Péter Kolozsi, Gábor Neszveda, Kristóf Lehmann & Ádám Banai (2024): The impact of the green direction in central banking on the general public's trust: Evidence from Hungary , International Review of Financial Analysis.
Katalin Varga & Szendrei Tibor (2024): Non-stationary financial risk factors and macroeconomic vulnerabi-lity for the UK . International Review of Financial Analysis.
Zlata Tabachová, Christian Diem, András Borsos, Csaba Burger , Stefan Thurner (2024): Estimating the impact of supply chain network contagion on financial stability . Journal of Financial Stability.
Barna Bakó & Gábor Neszveda (2024): An aspirational perspective on the negative risk-return relationship , Finance Research Letters.
Palma Filep-Mosberger, Lorant Kaszab (2024): The endogenous growth and asset prices nexus revisited with closed-form solution . Finance Research Letters.
Boglárka Bianka Kovács, Gábor Neszveda, Eszter Baranyai , Adam Zaremba (2024): ESG unpacked: Environmental, social, and governance pillars and the stock price reaction to the invasion of Ukraine , Eurasian Business Review.
Marton Kovács , Marton A. Varga, Dominik Dianovics, Russell A. Poldrack, Balazs Aczel (2024): Opening the black box of article retractions: exploring the causes and consequences of data management errors , Royal Society Open Science.
Ónozó Lívia Réka , Viktor Arthur Frigyes, & Gyires-Tóth Bálint (2024): Leveraging LLMs for Financial News Analysis and Macroeconomic Indicator Nowcasting . IEEE Access.
Chaoyi Chen , Thanasis Stengos & Jianhan Zhang (2024): Public Debt and Economic Growth: A Panel Kink Regression Latent Group Structures Approach , Econometrics.
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Thanasis Stengos (2024): Bribery, Regulation and Firm Performance: Eviden-ce From a Threshold Model , Empirical Economics.
Csaba Burger & Dariusz Wojcik (2024): The geography of climate change risk analysis at central banks in Europe . GeoJournal.
Lajos Tamás Szabó (2024): The effect of labour tightness on wages at the regional level in Central Europe , Journal for Labour Market Research, 58 (1), 1–23.
Nikolett Vágó, Sándor Winkler, Gábor Hajnal (2024): The impact of automotive industry investments on local property prices – The case of Mercedes-Benz in Kecskemét (Hungary), 2010–2017 , Regional Statistics.
Mohammad Hosseini, Alex O. Holcombe, Marton Kovacs , Hub Zwart, Daniel S. Katz & Kristi Holmes (2024): Group authorship, an excellent opportunity laced with ethical, legal and technical challenges , Accountability in Research.
Eszter Baranyai (2023): The Socio-Economic Status of Neighbourhoods and Access to Early Childhood Education , Child Indicators Research.
Chaoyi Chen , Thanasis Stengos & Yiguo Sun (2023): Endogeneity in semiparametric threshold regression models with two threshold variables , Econometric Reviews.
Andras Fulop & Zalan Kocsis (2023): News indices on country fundamentals , Journal of Banking & Finance.
Marcell P. Granát, Kristóf Lehmann, Olivér Nagy & Gábor Neszveda (2023): Expect the unexpected: did the equity markets anticipate the Russo-Ukrainian war? , Finance Research Letters.
Lorant Kaszab , Ales Marsal & Katrin Rabitsch (2023): Asset pricing with costly and delayed firm entry , Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Bence Mérő, András Borsos, Zsuzsanna Hosszú, Zsolt Oláh & Nikolett Vágó (2023): A high-resolution, data-driven agent-based model of the housing market , Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Gabor Neszveda & Bence Siket (2023): Green ECB speeches matter , Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment.
Barnabas Szaszi, Bence Palfi, Gabor Neszveda , Aikaterini Taka, Peter Szecsi, Christopher Blattman, Julian C. Jamison & Margaret Sheridan (2023): Does alleviating poverty increase cognitive performance?: short- and long-term evidence from a randomized controlled trial , Cortex.
Tibor Szendrei & Katalin Varga (2023): Revisiting Vulnerable Growth in the Euro Area: Identifying the Role of Financial Conditions in the Distribution , Economics Letters.
Ádám Banai , Edina Berlinger & Barbara Dömötör (2022): Adjustable-rate mortgages in the era of global reflation: How to model additional default risk? , Plos One.
Eszter Baranyai & Ádám Banai (2022): Heat projections and mortgage characteristics: evidence from the USA , Climatic Change .
Éva Berde & Áron Drabancz (2022): The propensity to have children in Hungary, with some examples from other European countries , Frontiers in Sociology .
Chaoyi Chen , Mehmet Pinar & Thanasis Stengos (2022): Renewable Energy and CO2 Emissions: New Evidence with the Panel Threshold Model , Renewable Energy .
Chaoyi Chen , Nikolay Gospodinov, Alex Maynard & Elena Pesavento (2022): Long-Horizon Stock Valuation and Return Forecasts Based on Demographic Projections , Journal of Empirical Finance.
Christian Diem, András Borsos , Tobias Reisch, János Kertész & Stefan Thurner (2022): Quantifying firm-level economic systemic risk from nation-wide supply networks , Scientific Reports .
László Kökény, Zsófia Kenesei & Gábor Neszveda (2022): Impact of COVID-19 on different business models of European airlines , Current Issues in Tourism.
Mark Antal & Lorant Kaszab (2022): Spillovers from the European Central Bank's asset purchases to countries in Central and Eastern Europe , Economic Modelling.
Gábor Neszveda, Gábor Till, Barnabás Timár & Marcell Varga (2022): Is short-term reversal driven by liquidity provision in emerging markets? Evidence from China , Finance Research Letters.
Veronika Fenyves, Tibor Tarnóczi, Zoltán Bács, Dóra Kerezsi, Péter Bajnai & Mihály Szoboszlai (2022): Financial efficiency analysis of Hungarian agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector , Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic).
Zombor Berezvai, Olivér Hortay & Tamás Szőke (2022): The impact of COVID-19 measures on intraday electricity load curves in the European Union: A panel approach , Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.
Anna Naszodi & Francisco Mendonca (2022): Changing educational homogamy: Shifting preferences or evolving educational distribution? , Journal of Demographic Economics.
Lorant Kaszab , Ales Marsal & Katrin Rabitsch (2022): Asset pricing with free entry and exit of firms , Economics Letters.
Roman Horvath, Lorant Kaszab & Ales Marsal (2022): Interest rate rules and inflation risks in a macro-finance model , Scottish Journal of Political Economy.
Tamás Szőke , Olivér Hortay & Richárd Farkas (2021): Price regulation and supplier margins in the Hungarian electricity markets , Energy Economics.
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt & Ales Marsal (2021): Fiscal policy and the nominal term premium . Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2021).
Ongena, Steven, Schindele Ibolya & Vonnák Dzsamila (2021): In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through? Journal of International Economics 129 (2021), 103435.
Gánics Gergely & Florens Odendahl (2021): Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information, and structural change in the euro area . International Journal of Forecasting (2021) 37(2) (2021), 971-999.
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt & Ales Marsal (2021): Equity premium and monetary policy in a model with limited asset market participation . Economic Modelling 95 (2021), 430-440.
Horváth, Ákos & Lang Péter (2021): Do loan subsidies boost the real activity of small firms? Journal of Banking and Finance 122 (2021), 105988.
Chen, Chaoyi , Pinar, Mehmet & Thanasis Stengos (2021): Determinants of renewable energy consumption: Importance of democratic institutions . Renewable Energy 179 (2021), 75-83.
Kajdi László & Kiss Milán (2021): The impact of policy effects on the Hungarian payments card market . Journal of Banking Regulation (2021).
Emil Verner & Gyöngyösi Győző (2020): Household debt revaluation and the real economy: Evidence from a foreign currency debt crisis . American Economic Review 110(9) (2020), 2667-2702.
Léna Pellandini-Simányi & Banai Ádám (2020): Reluctant financializaton: Financializaton without financialized subjectivities in Hungary and the United States . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (2020).
Horvath, Roman, Kaszab Lóránt , Ales Marsal, Katrin Rabitsch (2020): Determinants of fiscal multipliers revisited . Journal of Macroeconomics 63 (2020), 103162.
Banai Ádám , Lang Péter , Nagy Gábor & Stancsics Martin (2020): Waste of money or growth opportunity: The casual effect of EU subsidies on Hungarian SMEs . Economic Systems 44(1) (2020), 100742.
Karádi Péter & Reiff Ádám (2019). Menu costs, aggregate fluctuations. and large shocks . American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2019, megjelenés alatt).
Hosszú Zsuzsanna (2018): The Impact of Credit Supply Shocks and a New Financial Conditions Index Based on a FAVAR Approach . Economic Systems.
Telegdy Álmos (2018). Public wage spillovers: The role of individual characteristics and employer wage policies . Labour Economics 55 (2018), 116-129.
Fukker Gábor (2018). Harmonic distances, centralities and systemic stability in heterogeneous interbank networks . Journal of Network Theory in Finance 4(4) (2018), 1-41.
Anand, Kartik, Iman van Lelyveld, Banai Ádám, Soeren Friedrich, Rodney Garratt, Grzeorgz Hałaj, Jose Fique, Ib Hansen, Serafín Martinez Jaramillo, Hwayin Lee, José Lu Molina-Borboa, Stefano Nobili, Srisam Rajan, Dilyara Salakhova, Thiago Christiano Silva, Laura Silvestri, Sergio Rubens Stancato de Souza (2018). The missing links: A global study on uncovering financial network structures from partial data . Journal of Financial Stability 35 (2018), 107-119.
Tóth G. Csaba (2018). Valuable legacy? The effect of inherited fiscal rules . Public Choice (2018), 1-28.
Rots, Eyno (2017). Imperfect information and the house price in a general-equilibrium model . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 83, 215-231.
Temesváry Judit & Banai Ádám (2017). The drivers of foreign bank lending in Central and Eastern Europe: The roles of parent, subsidiary and host market traits . Journal of International Money and Finance 79, 157-173.
Earle, John S., Telegdy Álmos & Antal Gábor (2017). Foreign ownership and wages: Evidence from Hungary, 1986-2008 . Industrial and Labor Relations Review 71(2), 458-491.
Kocsis Zalán & Monostori Zoltán (2016): The role of country-specific fundamentals in sovereign CDS spreads: Eastern European experiences . Emerging Markets Review 27 (2016), 140-168.
Naszódi Anna, Csávás Csaba, Erhart Szilárd & Felcser Dániel (2016). Which aspects of central bank transparency matter? A comprehensive analysis of the effects of transparency on survey forecasts . International Journal of Central Banking 12(4), 147-192.
Kaszab Lóránt (2016). Rule-of-thumb consumers and the labor tax-cut policy at the zero lower bound . International Journal of Central Banking 12(3),353-390.
Brown, David, John S. Earle & Telegdy Álmos (2016). Where does privatization work? Understanding the heterogeneity in estimated firm performance effects . Journal of Corporate Finance 41, 329-362.
Muraközy Balázs & Telegdy Álmos (2016). Political incentives and state subsidy allocation: Evidence from Hungarian municipalities . European Economic Review 89, 324-344.
Telegdy Álmos (2016). Employment adjustment in the global crisis: Differences between domestic, foreign and state-owned enterprises . Economics of Transition 24(4), 683-703.
Harasztosi Péter (2016). Export spillovers in Hungary . Empirical Economics 50(3), 801-830.
Campolmi, Alessia & Ester Faia (2015). Rethinking optimal exchange rate regimes with frictional labor markets . Macroeconomic Dynamics 19(5), 1116-1147.
Abrevaya, Jason, Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2015). Estimating conditional average treatment effects . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 33(4), 485-505.
Kiss Áron & Mosberger Pálma (2015). The elasticity of taxable income by high earners: evidence from Hungary . Empirical Economics 48(2), 883-908.
Norli, Oyvindl, Charlotte Ostergaard & Schindele Ibolya (2015). Liquidity and shareholder activism . Review of Financial Studies 28(2), 486-520.
Donald, Stephen G., Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2014). Inverse probability weighted estimation of local average treatment effects: a higher order MSE expansion . Statistics & Probability Letters 95, 132-138.
Briglevics Tamás & Oz Shy (2014). Why don’t most merchants use price discounts to steer consumer payment choice? Review of Industrial Organization 44 (4), 367–392.
Donald, Stephen G., Yu-Chin Hsu & Lieli Róbert (2014). Testing the unconfoundedness assumption via inverse probability weighted estimators of (L)ATT . Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32 (3), 395-415.
Campolmi, Alessia , Harald Fadinger & Chiara Forlati (2014): Trade policy: Home market effect versus terms-of-trade externality . Journal of International Economics 93 (2014), 92-107.
Endrész Marianna & Harasztosi Péter (2014). Corporate foreign currency borrowing and investment: The case of Hungary . Emerging Markets Review 21, 265-287.
Kiss Áron & Simonovits Gábor (2014). Identifying the bandwagon effect in two-round elections . Public Choice 160(3-4), 327-344.
The primary objective of the MNB shall be to achieve and maintain price stability. (...) Without prejudice to its primary objective, the MNB shall support the maintenance of the stability of the system of financial intermediation, the enhancement of its resilience, its sustainable contribution to economic growth; furthermore, the MNB shall support the government’s economic policy and its policy related to environmental sustainability, using instruments at its disposal.
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