Starting from 2016, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank publishes its Financial Consumer Protection and Market Supervision Report once a year in online and printed formats. The objective of the Report is to inform financial institutions and the general public about topical issues related to financial consumer protection, thereby raising the risk awareness of those affected as well as maintaining and enhancing confidence in the financial intermediary system. As part of its activities as a supervisory authority to identify and minimise risks as well as its work to raise awareness and train and improve financial literacy in Hungary, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank’s aim is to provide participants with adequate information to make well-informed financial decisions and contribute to enhancing the stability of the entire financial system. After a summary of the priority areas, the Report presents the MNB’s activities in the fields of financial consumer protection, market supervision and customer service and outlines those priority topics which affected a wide range of consumers in the period under review. In addition, the Report discusses the risks identified by the MNB, which may be relevant for consumer protection.
Published by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank
H-1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 9.
Publisher in charge: Eszter Hergár
Editor: József Attila Szabó