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Budapest Eurasia Forum 2024


Budapest Eurasia Forum 2024


The Budapest Eurasia Forum 2024 is the fifth conference of the Budapest Eurasia Forum event series, which was initiated by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), the central bank of Hungary. 2024 however marks not only the fifth edition of the event series, but also the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. For this special occasion the event series will return with old and new friends signifying the timelessness of the unity of the Eurasia continent.

The event series started by the Pre-Forum Session 2019 five years ago. The Forum will return in 21-22 November 2024 with the theme “Keywords of success: talent, knowledge, technology and capital”. In the last 500 years, those nations have risen that transformed money into capital, invented and introduced new technologies, helped broad sections of society to gain knowledge and raise talents. Today, the same four factors are the source of success, with one crucial difference: the order is reversed. Instead of capital driving technology, knowledge and talent, now talents drive the other three. Building on the success of last year’s conference, the most significant European and Asian thinkers will have the opportunity again to discuss the most recent issues of Eurasian cooperation in Budapest. Just as in previous years, we are planning a full-fledged agenda this year as well with a high-level opening ceremony and six thematic panels that will each discuss novel interpretations and new facets of geopolitics, sustainability, prosperity and technological change. Hence, the occasion will again demonstrate the MNB’s dedication to global dialogue and the exchange of best practices.

Hungary is well positioned to act as an intellectual hub for professionals from various Eurasian countries because it is situated at the crossroads of many significant routes between Europe and Asia. In keeping with this approach, the Budapest Eurasia Forum 2024 will continue to bring together influential decision-makers, entrepreneurs, business executives, and academics to Budapest to exchange views on the unavoidable changes needed to achieve sustainable development. As previously, the Forum will line up a unique variety of professionals, who will discuss the most pressing issues of our times.

The Budapest Eurasia Forum attracted more than 20,000 people in the audience both in person and virtually, and due to global streaming options on numerous platforms, its message has been felt in many countries around the world. There are solid grounds for anticipating that the future event will draw even more guests and viewers, which will contribute to further bolster the global network of the MNB as well as the developing global community of the Budapest Eurasia Forum.

To build on the examples set by our publications in the last three years (i.e., the Age of Eurasia, The Future is Now and the Geo Awakenings volumes of studies, accessible under “Publications”), we are again planning to present a unique volume to uncover the best sustainable economic strategies and models in the Eurasian region. In this year’s edition of the series of volumes of studies, our esteemed authors will explore sustainable economic policy from the standpoints of sustainable growth, competitiveness and knowledge-based economies.

Ez a weboldal sütiket használ a kényelmesebb böngészés érdekében. A honlap használatával Ön elfogadja, hogy az oldal sütiket használ. Kérjük, olvassa elSüti tájékoztatónkat,amelyben további információkat olvashat a sütikről és azt is megtudhatja, hogyan tudja kikapcsolni vagy törölni őket.Elfogadom

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