


Mihály Varga

Appointed on 4 March 2025 for a term of six years


Dr Mihály Patai
Deputy Governor

Appointed on 22 April 2019 for a term of six years

Dr Patai completed his studies at the Budapest University of Economics. He has a postgraduate degree in external economics from the University. In the early part of his professional career, between 1976 and 1978, he was a Credit Clerk at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, and Scientific Researcher, then Deputy Head of International Finance Department at the Ministry of Finance. Later he worked at the World Bank as an Assistant to the Executive Director.
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Dr Csaba Kandrács
Deputy Governor

Appointed on 2 October 2019 for a term of six years

Dr Csaba Kandrács has been Deputy Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) responsible for financial supervision and consumer protection since 2 October 2019. From June 2016 until his appointment as Deputy Governor, he was Executive Director of the MNB responsible for financial supervision and consumer protection. Between 2014 and 2016 he was President and CEO of the Hungarian Restructuring and Debt Management Company (MARK Zrt.). 

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Barnabás Virág
Deputy Governor

Appointed on 22 June 2020 for a term of six years

Deputy Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank responsible for monetary policy and financial stability. From 2015 until his appointment as Deputy Governor he served as Executive Director of the MNB responsible for monetary policy and economic analysis. Between 2013 and 2015 he was Director of the MNB responsible for economic analysis. From 2003 he worked as an Analyst at the MNB. Prior to that he taught at the Budapest University of Economics and State Administration (today Budapest Corvinus University) and was an Analyst at the Ministry of Finance.

In 2017 he was awarded the Popovics Prize.

He completed his studies at the Budapest University of Economics and State Administration.

dr Peter Gottfried

Elected on 1 January 2021 for a term of six years

Kolos Kardkovács

Elected on 12 September 2016 for a term of six years

Mr Kardkovács obtained a degree at the Faculty of Law of ELTE in 1996, and then went on to receive the degree of expert in European law in 2000 at the same University. In 2003, he completed his studies at the College for Finance and Accounting, specialising in Finance and Financial Institutions. Read more

Dr. Búza Éva portr

Éva Búza

Elected on 6 April 2023 for a term of six years

She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Eötvös Lóránd University and passed her law exams. From 1990 he worked as a legal lecturer at Generalimpex Hungarian Foreign Trade Company, and later as a chief lawyer at the Liquidation Directorate of the State Development Institute. From 1995 he worked at Kvantum Investment Bank Rt. Read more.

Kovács Zoltán portré
Zoltán Kovács

Elected on 27 March 2023 for a term of six years

He graduated from the Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma and then obtained a Master's degree from the Budapest University of Economics. In parallel to his university studies, he was a member of the "Invisible College" (Láthatatlan Kollégium), where he studied mathematical economics, macroeconomics, monetary policy and business valuation. Read more.

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Gyula Pleschinger

Reelected on 5 March 2019 for a term of six years

Gyula Pleschinger graduated at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology, and then earned a degree in finance at the Budapest University of Economics. He has certificates in stock and commodity trading and in Eurobond trading as well as a US Series 7 licence in securities trading. Read more